Jennifer Cockrall-King, 2011 Book Award Winner

Jennifer Cockrall-King is as freelance food writer whose work has appeared in many publications such as Maclean's, Canadian Geographic, National Post, NUVO, Alberta Views, Alberta Venture, Westworld, Chicago Sun-Times and CBC Canada One. Jennifer has won a number of Magazine Awards (Western Canadian Magazine Award) and has been short listed for several others. Jennifer teaches food and magazine writing courses at Grant MacEwan University, University of Alberta's Faculty of Extension, and University of British Columbia Okanagan in Kelowna. She is he founder and producer of the Okanagan Food and Wine Writers Workshop.

Jennifer's successful submission was from her first book, Food and the City: Urban Agriculture and the New Food Revolution. The book was published by Prometheus Books in February 2012.  This book about food and social (food) justice grew out of a 2007 trip to Cuba to research alternative food systems and urban agriculture. As the project grew, she traveled to Paris, London, Vancouver, Toronto, Los Angeles, Detroit, Chicago, and New York. Urban agriculture projects in Calgary and Edmonton also are featured in the book. Her goal is to show that grassroots initiatives such as community gardens, urban farms, local food hubs and school gardens are having a profound transformative effect for the better on the cities in which we live.
Prometheus Books
Book available here


Chris Turner, 2012 Magazine Award Winner


Chris Cannon, 2011 Magazine Award Winner